Sunday, September 25, 2011


July 26, 2011

Interim Mayor Ed Lee
Members of the Board
City hall, Room 400
One Carlton Goodlett Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94102

Interim Mayor Lee & the Board of Supervisors:

SUBJECT:    Ed Lee for Mayor & other City Offices on City/state Salaries & Pensions

I am enclosing this letter as a document to be read in city hall, and even printed in the local papers as an Op/Ed story, if a local newspaper decides to publish it. And, I am doing so because as the August 2, 2011 deadline for the United States of America’s deficit limits bang on the 14.3 trillion dollar ceiling, once again I feel, the present system in this City and County is broken, busted, and in dear need of much repair. And, as our Interim Mayor, Mr. Ed Lee, you are being “pushed” by an ex-mayor, that ran in “last place for the spot as Governor of California,” and now, also, the United States Senator, Dianne Feinstein, who has her own closet full of skeletons just waiting to “dance and sing” if any paper in America will publish their “soul defying act.” This Senator is pushing you to run, because her husband needs another luggage cart concession like the one the family owns at SFO, for the Mayor’s Office of San Francisco.  These two politicians are not statesmen or stateswomen, but only memories of Christmas past that are now hoping you have been mesmerized by seeing your own name in print, everyday of the week.  But, I say to you Mr. Lee:  “Do not jump into this pit from your present position.”  You will be sorry for losing your integrity, and once lost it will not come back. And if you lose, you should be fired, at once. I say so as one of the other 38 or so candidates running for this office.

And, as I continue this publication, I will read or paraphrase this letter’s introduction at the Board of Supervisors meeting, during “Public Comments,” on Tuesday, the 26th of July, 2011.  I am producing these “Notes on San Francisco Politics, for many reasons.  One reason is the present format for future City Mayors. From what I have determined, as one of the 38 or so mayoral candidates for the San Francisco City & County (CCSF), that there is something going here that the “public,” at large, does not fully understand or see. And, what the residents of this CCSF have failed to understand and see, is one of the big secrets that City paid employees running for public office have failed to tell this “public,” to show the people they serve, which is this:  City employees, with top tier salaries and pensions even if they lose, which are paid for with higher and higher citations, fees and taxes in this state and county, have plenty of City/state salary money to continually help finance campaigns for the Office of the Mayor for the CCSF, or any other office they may choose in this City and state; that this endeavor for the City Mayor’s Office or other city offices, is a full time job and due to this situation, and the spectrum of increasingly higher outrageous salaries and pensions, during our “Worldwide Economic Contraction” also in this USA, the State of California, and the CCSF,” that as such, in this present political format, these potential City and state paid political leaders feel none of this economic pain which City residents feel; because all these City/state employees as candidates for office, are using their City/state salaries as funds to finance their campaigns; that this very endeavor leaves no room for any other candidate to enter these elected offices, unless she or he has hundreds of thousands, or millions of dollars to spend on just mere name recognition, alone.  This is so, even if some of these candidates are millionaires. For the mere fact they are there, local papers print their names, daily.  And, this kind of  “mesmerizing” help, the full and total name recognition of City candidates, comes from these local daily papers repeating of these present City employees names for the media, to help the public remember who they are, “which has absolutely nothing to do with their abilities to be mayor or hold any other public office.” And, this includes Mr. Ed Lee, another hand picked alumna of the City Job Club 

And, while I am on the subject of  Interim Mayors possibly using their paychecks to finance higher electoral sums, there is now talk or rumors in the same 24/7 media, that helps anyone already in the light of this media news, which only expands by repeating their names on topics of minutiae over and over, by the hour and minute or daily, that you the Interim Mayor Ed Lee, may have finally decided to run for the Office of Mayor of San Francisco, as the August 2nd & 5th, 2011, deadline approaches.  And, as we approach this federal and County Deadline, for the almost 40 potential candidates for the Office of San Francisco Mayor, what the CCSF does not need is another City salaried and well pensioned candidate, already on the public dole, that has absolutely no risk whatsoever in the office undertaking, who can get his old job back while working on his new job or campaign, to plunk down the $5000.00 fee and run for the Mayor’s Office. If you lose Mr. Lee and I win, I will fire you the day I take office.

At present, Mr. Lee, you have integrity for sticking to your position, that, “I will not run.”  But, if you now change it, run and lose this election, you will no integrity at all. And, then, The “Mini” Governor, Newsom who is now also Governor “Lite” and the retire ring Senator will just abandon you.  You were picked as the Interim Mayor by a mayor of San Francisco that was voted into office by approximately 33% of the total voting public in CCSF, in the last election.  I would not call this a mandate, which one local paper did, because approximately 65% of the voting public did not vote at all, in this past election for mayor.  And, this was due, maybe, to the mayor’s sitting on such a fat pot of money.  No one candidate wanted to be humbled, for seeking the job. But, I feel most CCSF voters and residents have just given up on CCSF politics because it is has become rigged, like a rigged jury and judge. Politicians, once in the gate, pay themselves well by deciding their own salaries and pensions.  And, they are so well paid by any county standards that these CCSF paid employee’s wall of money leaves no room for most other city candidates, when they decide to run again for another office.  As such, it becomes almost impossible as resident laymen and others from “Main Street” to realistically enter the job, when the CCSF needs their real knowledge of this City.

I know, I have spoken in front of the Board of Supervisors, the Taxi, Police, Airport, Planning,  and the MTA Commissions, on and off for five years. In this period of time, I have given over 100 speeches or talks, and have asked hundreds of questions, on SFGTV, and not one local paper or TV station has ever mentioned my name. To these papers, I do not exist on this earth.  But, you Mr. Lee, you get this non-stop press, 24/7, from journalists that only watch TV for their stories all day and night, but never reveal where they got the story. In the news, I have seen many stories based on my questions at these Commissions that always left out my name.

Another reason why I am introducing this document, is due to the fact that our last past mayor Mr. Gavin Newsom, a man who came into town on the coattails of the Getty oil fortune, an “oil slick” who claimed he started 15 or more businesses without mentioning the Getty oil money that funded these businesses, did not launch his well oiled campaigns until he was appointed a Supervisor, from Willie Brown’s School for Mayors. This appointment got his name out there in the press. And, then Mr. Newsom just enrolled in the “Willie Brown School for Mayors,” and Willie, also known as “DA Mayor,” appointed dozens of his very close friends or ex girlfriends to posts, where many times there were no jobs, just salaries. Yes, “DA Mayor” appointed hundreds of Assistant Mayors, at $130,000 a year, and made them friends. And the “oil slick” just appointed hundreds of sycophants whom he called friends, before he decided to leave town.  But, he did not leave town the way he wanted to leave. As Governor Lite, one sucks up a paycheck for doing, nothing at all.  Now, this clown of the past is pushing you Mr. Ed Lee, to run, as well.  But, Newsom made other appointments, as well, below are a few of them. 

Not too long ago, Mr. Newsom appointed three Taxi Directors from the pool of attorneys in his inner office.  Since 2005, he appointed three of them. I know, because I was bumped three times for the post of Taxi Director, by this very Mayor, for the San Francisco Taxi Commission, which called for an Administrative Financial Analyst, from the CCSF Civil Service Registry (CSR)from Classes 1823-1825), with needed “extensive taxi background,” for the post.  To just get on the CSR list, one needed an MA in Business Administration. To get the post, one needed this very “extensive taxi background” for the job. But, Newsom’s three picks did not have extensive taxi background nor were they on the CSR list, which claimed to be mandatory. None were Administrative Analysts, either.  A CSR Administrative Analyst is not an attorney; he or she is an accountant or auditor.  But, in each case, Newsom picked an attorney, from his Inner Office payroll.  The present taxi post, now under the (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) MTA, and this taxi post is being held by the Newsom’s last Inner Office pick, which is the third Inner Office female taxi Commission or barrister in a row.  And, each of these attorneys decided to revamp all the taxi rules, regulations and fees, each time.  Each Director added new fees.

In 2006, at the MTA, after the MTA Commission and Mayor Newsom appointed Nathan Ford as CEO/Director for the agency, Ford was codified or certified by the Board of Supervisors, immediately, for the post.  All Supervisors and MTA Commission members agreed on his fantastic salary of $300,000 a year; that Ford could bring up to 20 or so fired cronies with him, from Georgia.  And, that many of the last Board of Supervisors knew that Nate Ford was accused of embezzlement in Atlanta, Georgia, at MARTI, (Atlanta’s equivalent of our MTA) when he was hired.  And, the embezzled amount was approximately $170,000.  In Atlanta, the CEO/Director Nate Ford made $180,000 a year, but Newsom was willing to pay him $300,000 or more a year, to come here to San Francisco.  Clown Newsom did not want an embezzler living like a cab or bus driver.  But, in reality, Mr. Ford was a ‘bus driver,’ one from New York City.  He was just a bus supervisor when he was picked for the top post in Atlanta, according to one paper’s inside view.  Mr. Nate Ford was picked in Atlanta, because new MARTI Board members in Atlanta did not want ‘anymore ‘white people’ in charge.”  Nate Ford was as black as an Ace of Spades, with a college degree from a school not accredited anywhere in this USA, and according to this one Atlanta paper, this was the full reason why he got the job in Georgia. Ford never had a background in finance or accounting; his academic units at this one college were from “bus driving.”

In 2003-2005, as a part time job, I worked at the Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) doing tasking jobs like answering the phone for callers during the Katrina Hurricane in Louisiana and, also, I did database on government computers.  I helped extract information from search engines for HUD’s web sites.  I hacked and used these sites, later, to dig up information on the Taxi Commission Director Heidi Machen and the MTA Director Nate Ford. And, I was shocked on what I found.  Without discussing the 49 page dossier I put together on Ms. Machen, which was given to 12 Supervisors on her live in house partner that led to Newsom’s lies and his termination of her post, I found that Nate Ford was also another corrupt appointee of our society fly of a mayor, Newsom. Nate Ford was accused of sexual harassment in his office in Atlanta, in a written complaint.  A reason why the “oil slick” was able to put up to 18 million dollars of his Inner Office payroll on MTA’s official plate, according to one local paper.  (As a mayoral candidate, I may have to file a complaint to get a full criminal investigation of ex-Mayor Newsom’s Inner Office Payroll going back seven years at City Hall)  The part of my “Low on Finances” campaign for San Francisco Mayor, is financial accountability. 

Another reason for this letter is this episode, something you and Board should appreciate. Between 2005 and 2009, during the time I applied for over 400 CCSF Administrative Financial Analyst posts on this same CSR, throughout San Francisco, with scores of 1000-1060 points for analysts jobs all departments in San Francisco, I failed to get one job or post. And, actually, I have been turned down for posts, in the CCSF for ten years.  Mr. Lee, would you find this a bit strange?  Mr. Lee, you are Chinese and Asian, and I am Caucasian or American European, but I cannot find a job at City Hall and you did.  At SFO, my 9255 Economic Planner application, with scores of 1060 points on the chart, the maximum one could obtain was blocked by up to four Chinese female Human Resource workers, at the Airport.  We can verify this claim very easily. In other departments I was blocked by non other than the Governor Lite, himself.  Mr. Phil Ginsburg who was the Human Resource (HR) Director in the CCSF at one time, also Chief of Staff for Gavin’s Inner Office too, at one time, who is now at his new post in the Park and Rec, gave me these high scores, which were, actually worthless when filling out CSR Class 1820-1827 Administrative Analyst post 12 page applications, and others.  And, although my scores are in the top 96% of all post applicants at HR in this CCSF, the MTA, also, turned me down on over 25 of their Administrative Financial Analyst applications, related to their new merger with the San Francisco Taxi Commission.  The MTA, under Ford and his protégé Roberta Johnson, also turned me down when I requested to be a member of several of the Taxi Advisory Groups, that they had up and running over the past three years.  Ten years after my first jib application in the CCSF, with all my credentials, this Caucasian-American still drives a taxi. Mr. Lee, I am not happy about it.  And, I am bringing this forth in my campaign.

When the CCSF found out about Nate Ford giving his Atlanta buddies garage contracts, this year, with all the rumors of shoe boxes of cash coming into his Ford’s office, Dennis Herrera, a candidate for mayor should have filed a criminal investigation of the matter, which would have led to an indictment.  But, Herrera did not, since he is running for mayor, and he is one of the dudes that certified Ford’s background, education and character, he could not do that. But, running for the Mayor’s Office, he could hit up 100 or so of his inner office payroll for campaign contributions. They were all just waiting and willing to do this. Mr. Lee, all of this would put you in the gang of six.

All of Ford’s crooked behavior was taking place when this City Attorney Herrera was going to DC, weekly, in an attempt to stop the feds from arresting up to 60 San Francisco employees for not applying federal law in apprehending illegal aliens. City Attorney, Dennis Herrera just ran for City Attorney. And, now on this City Attorney salary, (a couple of hundred thousand or more) and once he won, he felt compelled to hit his City Attorney’s office workers for campaign funds. The man has no ethics or morals, but he is a City Attorney with the mayoral motto:  “Can You Imagine a City that Works.”  It works for him. I have asked his office for forty financial documents related to CCSF’s finances. The Civil Grand Jury of 2009 wanted to know why he had not investigated dozens of cases of pension spiking, in the two most powerful unions in the City.  He has ignored their requests and has ignored mine as well.  These issues I am going to use in this mayoral campaign. 

At the MTA, in my Caucasian-American job search, with the African American Director/CEO named Ford, the person that officially turned me down for every job including all taxi and Administrative Financial Analysts posts, was none other than the African American Roberta Johnson, the Ford protégé. This woman had her salary doubled by Nathan Ford; her income went from $100,000 to approximately $200,000 per year, in three years time. (And, last week before the new MTA Chief came on board, the Board of Supervisors was getting ready to give her another fat raise for her Interim MTA CEO post, while waiting for your official choice of a new CEO at the old MTA.)  Ms. Roberta Johnson may have been everything including Nate Ford’s mistress, because she handled all of his inner office affairs, in this never-ending salary and pension story.  Yes, she knows how to get a “raise,” you bet.  

Mr. Lee, when I talk to people about incomes, salaries,  I mean, no one on this earth or in this City trusts the salary and pension cuts you threw at the Board of Supervisors last week, to approve. I think they are fabrications, lies and possibly fraudulent.  Your quant figures from the Investment Bankers you worked with are worthless. Many CCSF residents I have talked to call these figures, “lies and more lies.” No one in this CCSF is going to really believe any of it, unless outside auditors are brought into San Francisco to look at all of the CCSF  books, and sign off on them the way they do so today, on corporation after Enron, AIG, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns. Unless one is getting kickbacks in shoeboxes of cash from garage contracts at the MTA, like Ford, all the numbers that the Board passed for savings in salaries and pensions are just more of CCSF funny stuff.

Almost last, there is George Gascon, the ex-police chief who sucked up a paycheck of a half million dollars from CCSF, before he was hand picked like you by the Governor Lite when he was mayor to be the new District Attorney. Do you think you could run a decent DA campaign on a half a million dollars given to you by the CCSF for working only 20 months, in San Francisco? This is what this dude is doing.  Our local papers claim he is a Cubana and running as a Latino DA.  He is a Cubano like I am a Huntington “Beacher.”  As DA, he dropped over 2000 cases he administered at the SFPD, when he was he was top cop, there. At the SFPD he wanted Capitol Punishment, but now that he is a certified Democrat instead of a Republican, which he has claimed, “I was really not that all of my life,” He now claims he also voted may have voted for Obama In 2010, I tried to talk to COP Gascon, at the Hall of Justice and then the Police Commission. At the Hall of Justice, he barricaded himself behind a wall of police officers and telephones.  At the Police Commission, he sat there mostly like a Sphinx.  Around town, he went with a full police escort, like Theodore Roosevelt.  He tried being an attorney once, but this did not work. So, he got back into police work for the steady paycheck. Now, he wants to be an attorney, again. After all of his nonsensical talk with the clown Newsom, we are supposed to trust this District Attorney. He did not bother to tell the Police Commission about his new plans, either; they had to read about them in the papers.  “Senor Gascon,” was just another Newsom pick.

Finally, with this document, in behalf of the 30 or so other potentials running for the Mayor’s Office, who have a marginal chance of winning, against CCSF employees who are dipping into fantastic and stunning CCSF salaries for their run for Mayor, or other City Offices, while these present CCSF employees pretend to reduce salaries and pensions for all CCSF employees, that they have this huge lead in campaign funds, so that these CCSF employees are the first in line for City matching funds, in their quest for higher political offices, I am requesting that you Mr. Ed Lee step aside from the Mayor’s race, as an example,  or be prepared to hand over the full paycheck you have collected as the Interim Mayor for the City, this year, since your appointment, and or hand over the checks you received as City Administrator, and this document is making the same request for Jon Avalos, David Chiu, Dennis Herrera, Wilma Pang, Phil Ting and Leland Yee, whom are all on the CCSF and state payroll at this time. To all of you, the CCSF is not paying you to do two jobs. So, this document is asking you to either resign from your present campaigns, or resign from your present City post and return all of the funds you have been paid, since your political higher office campaign was started.  All of you, as CCSF and state employees have no real financial risk in taking on a public office, when you should have one, like all parties. The 30 other candidates have a real financial risk. If you run for this office, and if you do not return these funds, and continue with a campaign in the present tense, you will have abused your present office.  And, this document should not just apply to only San Francisco, but across these United States of America, as well. 

·         The nation is broke, the state of California is broke and this City is going broke, but you as officials of the CCSF do not realize or feel any of this economic pain, nor do you want to talk about it. You have restructured payroll, but you have not cut it.  Your present budget is worthless, but you signed it. You & the Board have raised all of our fees, taxes, citations and added new fees, taxes and citations and thousands of more parking meters, as if we are your just your subjects, and not the group that holds all of you accountable to all the residents of this CCSF.  Mr. Lee, I hold you accountable, too.

·          Mr. Lee, if you run for the Office of Mayor, the voters will hold you alone, accountable for all the dirt which lies ahead, if you win.  If you lose, well…   Senator Feinstein will not be able to help you at that time.  Neither will Governor Lite.  Any mayor coming into office, then, should fire you.


Emil Lawrence MBA
P.O. Box 281287
San Francisco, CA   94128
CA Department of Real Estate
Agent License – 0138873
IRS Registered Tax Preparer,
IRS-P/TIN - PO1364976   
SF Taxi Driver, Badge #47921
SF Ramp Taxi Medallion SF Wheelchair Access Taxi)                     
1-415-7705 PCS   (Leave Voicemail)

cc:   35 Mayoral Candidates for SF Mayor 2011, and US Senator Feinstein

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