Sunday, September 25, 2011


Residents & Veterans:                                 Open Letter   to     All United States Veterans       5.
San Francisco, California                                                                                                      
                                                                            “I Need Your Help, Now.”    Sincerely,    __________________                                                                      
City Residents & Veterans:                                                                  Emil Lawrence MBA

SUBJECT:              The Office:   San Francisco Mayor for the years 2012-2016

Fellow vets, my name is Emil Lawrence & I have had enough.  I am a US Navy veteran & have been a resident of the City & County of San Francisco (CCSF) for 41 years.  And, in the last 15 years I have watched two of CCSF’s mayors use this City as an ATM to fill the pockets of their friends & associates. Neither mayor could spell the word veteran.  In the same period, I have watched the salaries & pensions of all CCSF employees shoot into orbit, where no tax, fee or citation increase can ever reach.  At present, CCSF will be heading into bankruptcy & no one at City Hall wants to discuss it.  Our present leaders are just sucking up their “unbelievable” paychecks until the City’s bankruptcy arrives.  These CCSF employees are the problem.  I understand the financial problems of this City, because I have lived here longer than any present candidate running for the Mayor’s Office.  I have heard and seen all of the stories.  And, I have a workable plan which will push jobs for veterans, seniors & CCSF students.  I have been thinking about my plans for a decade.

My daughters were born, raised & finished high school San Francisco.  But, during this time CCSF has done everything in its power to destroy the middle class.  For the past 15 years, middle income families have been fleeing.  Upon exiting the United States Navy, in the early 1970s, with an Honorable Discharge, I entered City College San Francisco.   In 1973, after completing my Associated Arts (AA), I completed my BA at San Francisco State University (SFSU) in 1977.  At SFSU, in 1979, I also completed my Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree.   Decades later, while working in the financial district, I watched City Hall morph into a “Cash Sucking Leviathan” that has driven payroll paying Blue Chip firms, out of town.   We now have Supervisors that want to replace Blue Chip firms with “Mom & Pop” and “start-up” businesses, like more restaurants.   And, CCSF just does not hire veterans, seniors & students from San Francisco.  I know, I have applied for 450 CCSF jobs since 2005.

Small firms cannot match the payroll taxes of the big firms, which have been around for a 100 years.  City Hall’s financial mismanagement is punishing veterans & seniors for living here.  Presently, San Francisco has some of the highest fees & citations in the nation, where predator meter maids roll 24 hours a day, not looking for violators, but more victims.   I have had enough of this bad movie, & I have a script for a new one.  This new script will include benefits for people that live & work here. San Francisco residents will have privileges, benefits & CCSF jobs. 

If   I am elected Mayor, I am going to cut vehicle citations, fees, & taxes, while adding substantial benefits for all residents.  By Executive Order, if I have to, I will cut most upper management salaries by up to 33% so City Services for senior citizens and veterans are unchanged, to balance our budget.  I will bring back real benches for parks & bus stops, garbage cans & jitneys.  And, I will employ “more” veterans, city students, handicapped civilians, & seniors than any mayor in US history.  And, as of this date, I am looking for volunteers & contributions for this campaign. If I can get 250 or more San Franciscans to contribute $100 or more I will be qualified for matching campaign funds, which all top candidates get at present.  Address:   PO. 281287, San Francisco, CA 94128.
               We meet every Saturday at the Starbucks on Buchanan Street in the Marina at 9:30 AM
   Paid for by the        Contacts for Information:

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